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The OtherLife technology was coded using C++. However a lot of the code that is shown is not fully accurate to the language. A lot of the code does not make sense and does things that wouldn’t actually work in C++. For example, in one piece of code that was shown, the void main function was returning a float which is counterintuitive as the return type for the function is void.

Technologies: Intro


The OtherLife technology is similar to virtual reality however instead of virtually being in an experience, the OtherLife technology allows you to actually be in the experience. However, this is very unrealistic as it’s very unlikely that any virtual reality technology will ever be able to transport you into an experience that feels as real as the OtherLife technology does.

Technologies: Intro


While using the OtherLife technology your brain gets hooked up to a machine which reads which parts of your brain are active and when. This is pretty realistic as you can do this to find information about how the brain is working.

Technologies: Intro
Technologies: Welcome
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